2018年11月23日 星期五



Encourage Employees to Learn by Sharing Your Own Growth
As a manager, it’s your job to make sure everyone on your team keeps learning. But beyond encouraging people to take classes and go to conferences, how do you do it?
A good starting point is to talk about your own development. When managers open up about their personal areas for improvement, it becomes more acceptable for everyone else to do the same.
Ask yourself these questions, and share the answers with your team: “What areas do I need to grow the most in? What insights have I found helpful in accomplishing these goals?” And when you come back from a workshop or training, don’t resort to the typical “It was interesting” summary — be specific.
For example, you might say, “I thought I was a good listener, but now I can see that this is a growth area for me. The training showed me new ways to interact with others, and although they aren’t necessarily comfortable for me, I’m going to try them out.”

