2018年12月11日 星期二



If You Commit to Something, Don’t Cancel at the Last Minute
We all overcommit ourselves from time to time. And then, because we feel overwhelmed, we cancel or back out at the last minute. It feels like no big deal — everybody does it, right? But not following through on your commitments, whether by constantly rescheduling meetings or by failing to get back to people when you say you will, erodes your trustworthiness.
Honoring your commitments begins with saying yes only to things you know you can do.
If you’re unsure about a request, ask for time to think things over. And practice saying no so that you’ll be ready to turn someone down when needed. (Think about how you can tactfully but frankly refuse, and then say the words out loud until they feel comfortable.)
By thoughtfully — and honestly — assessing the requests that come your way, you can protect both your schedule and your reputation. 

