2016年9月16日 星期五


  1. 你不知道答案。面對一個複雜的問題,如果你已經知道如何去解決它了,你就不需要去與人協作了。事實是,你多半不會是專家,因此,在與人協作中,存在著不明確的狀況。你必須坦然接受
  2. 你的角色不清。在協作中,你的角色可能隨著工作的進行而不斷變化。
  3. 你必須爭論。如果你採取避免發生衝突的態度,當然會相安無事。但是,你也會因此失去你的立場與想要的結果。你必須知道在爭論中的可能選項,以便產生具有生產力的爭論。
Be open to what happens in the collaboration
We usually praise collaboration to improve problem-solving ability, improve productivity and inspire creativity. If we do the right thing, we have every chance to achieve these benefits. But the results may frighten you, too.
Before you decide to cooperate with others, recognize the facts below and accept it frankly.
  1. You don't know the answer. Faced with a complex problem, if you already know how to solve it, you don't need to cooperate with others. The fact is, you probably will not be an expert, so there is an ambiguous situation in collaboration with people. You must accept it frankly.
  2. Your role is not clear. In collaboration, your role may change with the progress of your work.
  3. You have to argue. If you take to avoid conflict attitude, will certainly live in peace. But you will also lose your position and the result you want. You must know the possible options in the debate so as to generate productive debates.

