- 產生有用的恐懼。你自己通常都會知道壞習慣真的不好,但是你是否真的明白它對你自己與其他人在職業工作上會產生的影響?想想看,如果你老是繼續在開會時不尊重其他人,以後別人會誠意來邀請你參加會議嗎?你是否會在公司里被邊緣化了呢?這樣的恐懼心理,可以開始戒除你的壞習慣。
- 找出回饋獎賞。停止壞習慣是第一步。然後,下一步是去發現這樣做可以得到的激勵回饋。想想看,以後你開會時,可以看到大家對你的微笑與重視你的意見。這樣的正面回饋,可以讓你堅持住繼續改變你的壞習慣。
Change your bad habits
one of us has some bad habits at work, such as browsing FB or WeChat on a
mobile phone in a meeting, always stubborn and always doing a few jobs at the
same time, and so on. However, it is always difficult to change these bad habits.
Even if you can change these behaviors in a few days, you will be back in a few
can you effectively change your bad habits? Please try the following
- Produce a useful fear. You usually know that bad habits are really bad, but do you really understand the impact it has on yourself and others in your career? Think about it. If you always don't respect other people in the meeting, will others invite you to the meeting in good faith? Are you going to be marginalized in the company? Such fears can start to kick your bad habits.
- Find feedback rewards. It's the first step to stop bad habits. Then, the next step is to discover the incentive feedback that can be achieved. Think about it. When you meet in the future, you can see everyone's smile and your opinion. This positive feedback can keep you going and continue to change your bad habits.