Overcome the tiredness of a day's work- 依照你生理狀態起伏週期安排工作。有些人一天最佳的體能狀態出現在早上約10點左右,以及下午4點左右。你可以將困難的工作安排在這段時間。
- 先完成幾件工作,讓自己有成就感。無論是簡單的工作,或是困難的工作,都先完成一件或幾件,讓自己有成就感,就可以無形中帶來充沛的精神,可以繼續應付後續的工作。
- 站起來,動一動。只要身體筋骨關節能夠活動,氣血就比較容易流通,讓大腦有氧氣供應。你可以站起來在辦公桌附近踱步,爬爬樓梯,也可以去洗把臉,將臉上油脂去除,讓眼部清爽。
- 閉目冥想放鬆。暫時擱下工作,將眼睛閉起來,你可以將心智用在放鬆身上有緊繃感覺的肌肉。任何有高工作績效的人,都會做這樣的放鬆自己的動作。
- 有足夠的睡眠。這是有效對抗疲倦的不二法門,是你事業成功的保障。
be able to do the best job, you need to focus and maintain good physical
fitness. But it is easy to get tired after eight hours of work a day. You can
yawn, your eyes are tired, your brain is slow, it's hard to concentrate on your
do you overcome such tiredness in your work?
- Arrange your work according to your physiological state. Some people get the best physical fitness in the morning at around 10 p.m. and around 4 p.m. You can arrange difficult work in this period.
- Finish a few jobs first and give you a sense of accomplishment. Whether it's a simple job or a difficult job, we should finish one or more first, so that we can have a sense of accomplishment, which can invisibly bring us plenty of spirit, and can continue to cope with the follow-up work.
- Stand up and move. As long as the bones and joints of the body are able to move, Qi and blood are easier to circulate, allowing the brain to have oxygen supply. You can stand up and pace around your desk, climb stairs, or wash your face, remove grease from your face, and keep your eyes fresh.
- Close your eyes and relax. Put your work aside for a while and close your eyes. You can use your mind to relax the tense muscles on your body. Anyone who has high work performance will do such a relaxation action.
- Get enough sleep. This is the only way to combat fatigue effectively, and it is a guarantee for your success.