當你無法達到你的目標時,你會怪罪自己,會認為你缺乏足夠的天賦或是意志力。 事實上,是否有天賦能力與是否能夠達成目標沒有太大關係。
- 目標要定義的很清楚。如果你定的目標是“找到一個更好的工作”或是“吃得更健康”,這樣的目標定義就太模糊了。模糊的目標容易讓你失去激勵,或是容易感到無趣。你應該將你的目標制定清楚,不致於讓你有打折扣的空間。
- 要兼顧客觀與實際。思考一下,你想要什麼,與你已經有了什麼。你必須在這其間反復檢討,以便制定出清晰而可行的行動方案。
How do you make your goals easier to achieve?
you fail to achieve your goal, you will blame yourself and think you lack
enough talent or willpower. In fact, there is little relationship between
innate ability and whether or not it is possible to achieve goals.
of blaming yourself, try two ways to make your goals easier:
- The goal is to be defined clearly. If your goal is to "find a better job" or "eat healthier", this goal definition is too vague. Vague goals make you lose motivation or feel bored. You should make your goal clear and not allow you any room for discount.
- The objective and the reality should be taken into account. Think about what you want and what you already have. You must review it over and over again in order to work out a clear and feasible plan of action.