2016年2月28日 星期日


  1. 正面對待。當你傳遞你的離職消息給你的老闆時,避免咆哮和胡言亂語。儘管如此也許會讓你感覺可以發洩,但是這對你的未來發展并沒有幫助。如果你願意在離職前給予正面的回饋,可以安排一個個別的場合來討論。
  2. 安排你的替補人員。不要讓你的團隊和你的老闆因你的離職而陷入困境。你應該盡力安排出一個合格的替補者。你應該保留一段留職時間來協助這個人能夠進入狀況。
  3. 保持聯繫。即使你有不好的工作經歷,不要與老東家搞得關係緊張。老同事與原老闆可能對你的未來發展是一項資產。
A graceful departure
If you are considering leaving, please note how you quit your job, which is as important as how you enter your next job.
Below, you can make your leaving arrangements graceful.
  1. Face to face. When you deliver your resignation message to your boss, avoid growling and nonsense. Nevertheless, it may make you feel able to vent, but it does not help your future development. If you are willing to give positive feedback before leaving, you can arrange a separate occasion for discussion.
  2. Arrange your substitutes. Don't let your team and your boss get into trouble because of your resignation. You should try to arrange a qualified substitute. You should keep a retention time to help the person get into the situation.
  3. Keep in touch. Even if you have bad work experience, don't get nervous with your old boss. Old colleagues and former bosses may be an asset for your future development.

