2016年3月2日 星期三


  1. 從小群人開始。找到1~2位和你有共同興趣的同事,邀請他們和你一起午餐或喝咖啡。
  2. 運用開會前后的時間。在任何公司開會前或散會時間,許多人聚集的時間,你可以和其他與會的同事互動聊天一下。
  3. 加入一個聊天群。你若是看到一群人才聊天,可以主動參與,并請其中認識你的同事介紹你。
  4. 提出問題,讓人注意。如果你對哪些事情感到憂慮或是有疑義,可以詢問對這件事有了解或是也有興趣知道的同事,並且建立起相互的同事關係。這樣做,也可以讓對此項議題有興趣的其他同事願意接觸你。
  5. 保留出時間建立同事情誼。說你忙碌通常就是藉口。請在一周內保留30 ~ 60分鐘的時間來和同事一起散步或是聊聊。
Strengthen interpersonal relationships in your workplace
If you have a good interpersonal relationship in the workplace, it will not only make you happy at work, but also help you do a better job. However, many people are still shy of developing better interpersonal relationships with their colleagues even though they have known them for many years.
If you feel that you don't have a good interpersonal relationship in the office, try the following to improve it:
  1. Start with small groups. Find one or two colleagues who share your interests and invite them to lunch or coffee with you.
  2. Use the time before and after the meeting. Before or after any company meeting, when many people gather, you can interact and chat with other colleagues.
  3. Join a chat group. If you see a group of talented people chatting, you can take the initiative to participate, and ask your colleagues who know you to introduce you.
  4. Ask questions and draw attention to them. If you are worried or doubtful about something, ask your colleagues who know or are interested in knowing about it, and establish a relationship with each other. By doing so, other colleagues who are interested in this topic may be willing to contact you.
  5. Set aside time to build friendship with colleagues. Saying you are busy is usually an excuse. Please reserve 30 to 60 minutes a week for a walk or chat with your colleagues. 

