2016年3月5日 星期六


  1. 從小處開始。要學習熟練一項新技能會讓人感覺壓力巨大。你可以專注在一項上,並且將它切分為數個可以管理的小目標。例如,你希望自己說話更有自信,那麼你可以要求自己在開會時領頭發言5分鐘,鍛煉自己的氣魄與掌握說話的技巧。
  2. 時刻回應你的學習。你必須隨時在想著你正在學習什麼,否則這個新技能不能粘附著你。你可以向別人說你正在學習到什麼階段,有什麼心得,並且請他給予回饋意見,讓你自己為學習的成果負責,並且認知你自己發生了什麼變化。
  3. 用新技能教導別人。要熟練一項新技能的其中一個快速而有效的方法是,將它展現給別人看要如何運用這項新技能。向你的團隊、你的老闆或是你的同事展示你所學習到的內容。
Be proficient in a new skill
To lead the group theory, we must improve ourselves. But whether you're going to do a better job in a presentation, be skilled in social media, or be good at developing customer solutions, how do you get started?
Here are three general rules that will allow you to start mastering a new skill:
  1. Start small. Learning to master a new skill can be stressful. You can focus on one item and divide it into several small manageable goals. For example, if you want to speak more confidently, you can ask yourself to take the lead in a meeting for five minutes, to develop your courage and skills.
  2. Respond to your study at all times. You must always think about what you are learning, otherwise this new skill will not stick to you. You can tell others what stage you are learning and what you have learned, and ask them to give feedback so that you are responsible for the results of your learning and know what changes have taken place in yourself.
  3. Teach others with new skills. One quick and effective way to become proficient in a new skill is to show others how to use it. Show your team, your boss or your colleagues what you have learned.

