2016年6月18日 星期六


  1. 不要認為所有的所謂限時項目都是必須立即處理的。先花幾分鐘的時間,和你的老闆或是客戶好好談談,瞭解他交待的工作要達成的目的,以及什麼時間必須確實完成,還有其他配套工作的進度狀況如何。他心目中的立即辦理,也許就會可以有不同的解讀了。
  2. 要回復,但是不一定需要立即行動。有的時候,你的客戶或是同事要你立刻承諾擬定一個行動計畫,但是不見得必須在立即或是幾天內做出來。你可以向他們回復,答應你會接受這個任務,並且告訴他們你的工作時間表,確保會滿足他們的實際需要。
  3. 準備好拒絕。有的時候,你必須分辨出什麼是實際可能發生的災難,什麼是個哀嚎。即使你的同事認為他必須立刻獲得問題的解決,但是你最好準備好予以回絕。
How to cope with urgent requests?
At work, we meet with jobs that are required to be done immediately almost every day. This will make you tired. Is it possible to make the work arrangements more orderly? How should we cope with these deadlines?
Please refer to the following practices:
  1. Don't assume that all so-called time-limited projects must be dealt with immediately. Spend a few minutes talking to your boss or client first to find out what the purpose of the work he's handing over is to be achieved, when it has to be done, and how well the other supporting work is progressing. Maybe his idea of dealing with it immediately will be interpreted differently.
  2. Respond, but don't necessarily need immediate action. Sometimes, your client or colleague asks you to commit to drawing up an action plan immediately, but it doesn't have to be done immediately or in a few days. You can reply to them, promise you will accept the task, and tell them your work schedule to ensure that they meet their actual needs.
  3. Be ready to refuse. Sometimes, you have to distinguish between what is actually a possible disaster and what is a howl. Even if your colleague thinks he must get the problem solved immediately, you'd better be ready to refuse.

