- 偏頗、失衡。不要嚇唬人,說如果不採納你的意見,將會面臨最糟糕的局面。你應該公平而平衡的說出幾種不同的選擇方案,給予客觀的評價。
- 長篇大論。如果你絮絮不休地告訴別人你的意見才是對的,你很容易被人拒絕,不願意聽下去。你應該先簡要陳述你的觀點,然後停頓一會兒,等待你的聽眾邀請你多做說明。然後,你也可以請他表示他的意見,邀請他一起討論,對他表示出尊重的態度。
Don't hurt your good motivation
When you have good creative ideas, it's easy to get overexcited. But when you're passionate, you'll feel frustrated if people don't immediately support your ideas that way. Don't hurt your good intentions because you are impatient.
When you present your ideas to an audience who may question you, avoid the following:
- Prejudice and imbalance. Don't frighten people by saying that if you don't take your advice, you will face the worst situation. You should fairly and balancedly state several different options and give objective evaluation.
- A lengthy discussion. If you keep telling people what you think is right, you are easily rejected and unwilling to listen. You should first make a brief statement of your point of view, then pause for a moment and wait for your audience to invite you to explain more. Then you can ask him to express his opinions, invite him to discuss with you, and show him respect.