2016年6月12日 星期日


1.  經歷過的狀況。讓人家知道你或你的單位,當時正面臨的狀況是如何的。
  1. 你的任務。簡略說明你在解決這個問題時所擔任的責任內容與角色扮演。
  2. 你的成就說明清楚當時你是如何達成這個任務的。
4.  成果。在你解決問題,達成任務後,實際的成果如何?收入增加了嗎?客戶滿意度提升了嗎?
Self-promotion without self-introduction
Sometimes, when you have an interview with a employer, or a person who wants to make a customer know what you are, if you do a very formal self introduction, you will feel a bit restrained and uncomfortable.
You really have to promote yourself, but you don't have to act like a salesperson. Instead of boasting about how wonderful you are, it's better to say a story that can cover the following points:
  1. The state of experience. Let people know what your or your company is facing at that time.
  2. Your task. Briefly describe your responsibilities and role play in solving this problem.
  3. Your achievements. Explain clearly how you accomplished the task at that time.
  4. Results. After you solve the problem and achieve the task, what is the actual result? Has the income increased? Has the customer satisfaction improved?
Use actual case stories to capture the interest of your audience.

