2016年6月18日 星期六


  1. 先擱下手上的事。當你感覺面臨必須立即作個決定時,先將手上的工作擱下, 讓自己有一點時間想想該如何面對這個臨時發生的事情。
  2. 評估你的可能選項。不要浪費時間去期待事情可以有變化。想想看在當前的局面下,以你當下有的資訊,以及目前有的資源條件下,會有哪些最好或是最壞的結果。然後,列出你的可能對策選項。
  3. 做出決定,往前進。根據你的評估,做出你的決定與承諾。即使這個決定不是最佳的,但是在目前的局面下,先接受它。
Dealing with unexpected events
Predicting the future is often futile. Instead, prepare yourself to react to unexpected situations.
When something unexpected happens, use the following methods to deal with it:
  1. Put aside what you are doing. When you feel that you have to make a decision immediately, put aside your work and allow yourself some time to think about how to deal with this temporary event.
  2. Evaluate your possible options. Don't waste time expecting things to change. Think about the best or worst outcomes in the current situation, based on the information you have and the resources available. Then list your possible countermeasures.
  3. Make a decision and move forward. Make your decision and commitment based on your evaluation. Even if the decision is not the best, accept it first in the current situation.

