2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 仔細聽人家說了什麼別人的批評究竟是事實還是只是個意見是正確的嗎他這樣說的動機是什麼
  2. 先不要辯解即使他的批評不見得正確你的辯解通常是枉然無效的仔細聽他說了哪些內容然後詢問他確定你確實了解了
  3. 請給予時間考慮他所說的如此做可以避免陷入不經思考而立即回應的狀況,也讓對方可以感受到他的回饋意見對你是重要的,你願意慎重思考,而且如此可以讓你有時間仔細評估他的批評是否正確。
How to deal with negative criticism?
When you are criticized unexpectedly, how to respond is challenging. When we are criticized, we often lose our sense, can't concentrate on what we are dealing with, and can't deal with criticism calmly.
Before you respond to criticism, think carefully:
  1. Listen carefully to what people say. Is criticism a fact or a mere opinion? Is it right? What is his motive for saying so?
  2. Don't argue first. Even if his criticism is not necessarily correct, your excuses are usually useless. Listen carefully to what he says and then ask him to make sure you understand.
  3. Please give time to consider what he said. By doing so, you can avoid falling into a situation where you respond immediately without thinking, and let the other person feel that his feedback is important to you. You are willing to think carefully, and so you have time to carefully assess whether his criticism is correct.

