2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 開拓你的人脈網。你的人脈會超過你的想象。考慮你的同學、過去的同事、客戶,以及你的其他社群關係。當你與每個人聯繫上,請他再介紹其他對你有幫助的其他人。
  2. 將討論當成是學習機會。將開會或是與人會晤時,當成是學習機會。不要只問工作的機會,你可以問產業狀況,要如何成功,以及你可以在其中如何定位自己,等等。
  3. 記錄下來。與許多人聯繫會很複雜。當你每次和人見面后,寫下你學習到了什麼,以及你後續預備如何採取行動來得到好的結果。
Find a job by adjusting your network
The best way to find a job is through your network. But don't limit yourself to your good friends and current colleagues. You should expand your network.
You can do this:
  1. Develop your network. Your network will exceed your imagination. Consider your classmates, past colleagues, clients, and other community relationships. When you get in touch with everyone, ask him to introduce other people who can help you.
  2. Treat discussion as a learning opportunity. Think of meetings or meetings as learning opportunities. Instead of just asking about job opportunities, you can ask about the industry, how you want to succeed, how you can position yourself in it, and so on.
  3. Record. Connecting with many people can be complicated. Every time you meet someone, write down what you have learned and how you plan to take action to get good results.

