2016年4月26日 星期二


  1. 由淺入深的建立關係。一開始,只選擇幾項重要的項目來和他對話,不要立刻鋪天滿地的給他高強度的壓力。引導你的新老闆逐步進入狀況,然後再讓他進入深水區。
  2. 觀察他的風格。你的新老闆傾向于簡短談話,還是喜歡長篇大論?他喜歡直接選擇最優方案,還是期待有幾個可選擇的方案?他要求硬資料,還是軟故事? 弄清楚他的習性,以便于你能夠配合調整呈遞給他的簡報文件。
  3. 誠實以待。新的領導者必須仰賴他陌生的人給他誠懇的意見。你最好給他幾個率直的觀點,引導他能夠較快進入狀況。
Face the New Boss
When you first get along with your new boss, you will be full of anxiety and fear. You feel as uneasy as trying to tame a wild horse.
The following can help you get into a good relationship with your new boss faster:
  1. Building relationships from shallow to deep. At first, only select a few important projects to talk to him, and don't immediately overwhelm him with intense pressure. Guide your new boss into the situation step by step, and then let him into the deep water.
  2. Observe his style. Does your new boss prefer short talk or long talk? Does he prefer to choose the best option directly, or does he expect to have several alternatives? Does he require hard information or soft stories? Find out his habits so that you can adjust the briefing papers presented to him.
  3. Be honest. The new leader must rely on sincere advice from strangers. You'd better give him some straightforward opinions to guide him into the situation faster.

