2016年4月26日 星期二


  1. 不要掉以輕心。即使老闆給你很大的自由度,你也不要置身度外。你應該經常保持與老闆溝通,約時間談話,將你正在處理的工作提出來,請教她的意見。
  2. 專注做好。假設她要求你專注在一件她認為最重要的工作上,那麼,每次開會就不要提超過三件該注意討論的事項。
  3. 盡早澄清期待內容。你要在項目指派的一開始,就弄清楚老闆真正期待的內容是什麼,她將如何評估績效,並且你要經常檢查是否有新的變化。
Build a good relationship with your boss
In your career development, your boss has a stronger impact on your success or failure than anyone else.
When you start a new job or project, it's worth your effort to build a good relationship with your boss. The following can give you a good start:
  1. Don't take it lightly. Even if your boss gives you a lot of freedom, you should not stay out of it. You should always keep in touch with your boss, make an appointment to talk, put forward the work you are dealing with and ask for her advice.
  2. Focus on doing well. Suppose she asks you to concentrate on what she considers to be the most important job, then don't mention more than three items to be discussed at each meeting.
  3. Clarify the expected content as soon as possible. At the beginning of project assignment, you need to figure out what the boss really expects, how she will evaluate performance, and you need to constantly check for new changes.

