2016年4月24日 星期日


  1. 在車上閉目養神。在每天搭乘公共交通時,用10分鐘的時間來閉目養神。如果你是自行駕車,則早一點出門,停好車,開門上班前,在車上先休息10分鐘。
  2. 規律的休息。保持工作有規律,工作每隔90分鐘就作休息。設定的休息時間一到,就起身走動5分鐘,可以和同事聊聊天,或是聽聽音樂。即使你沒有感覺你需要休息,還是這麼做。
  3. 做白日夢。每週用兩次午餐的時間,到處走動20分鐘。想想任何與工作無關的是,例如想象休假,打造你的夢想的房子,任何狂想,都行。
Quickly calm down
A clear mind allows you to see things most clearly. But it's hard to have time to rest your mind during your busy days.
Please use the following methods to make you fully relaxed:
  1. Keep your eyes closed in the car. Take 10 minutes to keep your eyes closed when you take the public transport every day. If you drive a bicycle, go out earlier, park your car, and take a 10-minute break before you open the door to work.
  2. Regular rest. Maintain regular work and rest every 90 minutes. Once the set break time arrives, you can get up and walk for 5 minutes to chat with your colleagues or listen to music. Even if you don't feel you need a rest, do it.
  3. Daydreaming. Take two lunches a week and walk around for 20 minutes. Think about anything that has nothing to do with your job, like imagining vacations, building your dream house, any fantasy.

