- 團結合作。老闆總是會希望他的團隊能夠確實團結合作。即使你不喜歡你團隊里的其他人,也要克服彼此的差異,進行合作,共同完成任務。
- 帶頭發展。率先舉手的人,通常會爬升得比較快。對於面臨的挑戰,不要遲疑承接任務,即使這個工作有可能不能順利完成。
- 保持與老闆的密切接觸。老闆需要他的團隊成員提供資訊。請隨時讓你的老闆知道市場競爭形勢、你的客戶發展狀況,項目發展進度等。
Know what your boss expects of you
Even if you know your annual tasks and goals, you won't always know how your boss expects you. Every boss has unspoken expectations.
Please satisfy the unspoken expectations of your boss by following the following practices:
- Unity and cooperation. The boss always wants his team to work together. Even if you don't like other people in your team, overcome differences, cooperate and accomplish tasks together.
- Take the lead in development. The first person to raise his hand usually climbs faster. Don't hesitate to take on the tasks facing the challenges, even if the work may not be completed smoothly.
- Keep in close contact with your boss. The boss needs information from his team members. Please keep your boss informed of the market competition, the development of your customers, the progress of the project, etc.