2016年11月16日 星期三


  1. 評估自己是否能夠適應。如果你已經感覺用進度表來監視自己的工作,會感覺不舒服,那麼,你可以考慮不要那麼在乎,或是不要採用。自己另外安排合適的工作管理方式。
  2. 思考是否有效。思考一下,採用工作進度表是因為你發現確實有效果,還是因為你認為應該如此做?
  3. 不要太在意別人的期待。除非你確實必須在團隊協作中,以工作進度來配合或是管理他人和你之間的工作整合,否則,你不需要太過在意別人如何看待你的工作進度與實際達成的成果。
  4. 活出自己來。不要以自己的工作進度成果來作為評量自己價值的指標。你是為自己的理想與熱情而奮鬥,而非為了一張進度表機械地生活工作著。
Don't worry too much about your progress goals
On the one hand, I remind the effectiveness and necessity of work schedule, but I also don't know that everyone can adapt himself to the work schedule to control his work. Most of the reasons are related to personality. Some people can set goals even if they don't have work schedules, and know what specific tasks are needed to carry out. They have good self-management ability. Such a person who has the ability to manage himself, if he adopts the work schedule, will let him do things in the way that he can't exert himself. 
Therefore, you should assess your own features and consider whether to use a work schedule to manage your own work. The following evaluation methods for your reference:
  1. Assess whether you can adapt. If you feel that you are feeling uncomfortable using a schedule to monitor your work, then you can consider not caring, or not. In addition, arrange the appropriate way of work management.
  2. Think about whether it works. Think about the use of the work schedule because do you find it really effective or because you think it should be done?
  3. Dont care too much about the expectations of others. Unless you really have to cooperate in teamwork or manage the integration of others and your work, you don't have to worry too much about how others perceive your progress and actual achievements.
  4. Live out of yourself. Don't use your work progress as an indicator of your value. You are fighting for your ideal and passion rather than working on a schedule for a mechanical life.

