2016年11月24日 星期四


  1. 養成結束工作的習慣。意識到時該結束工作回家的時間了,讓自己有急切要飛的感覺。就是下班時間到了,就扭轉自己的注意力,不要再去想工作,開始關注自己應該輕鬆下來了。你可以選擇有景色的路徑回家,在公車上聽音樂。帶著輕鬆愉悅的臉色走進家門
  2. 回家前,到別的地方待一會兒。我們很容易總是只在家和辦公室之間固定來回的通勤、上下班。每天都這樣,會很枯燥。你可以下班后,在到家前,先選擇一個地方待一會兒。例如,去咖啡館坐坐,去書店瀏覽書籍,去便利店挑選幾件自己或是家人喜愛的甜點,或是到健身房或是有樹林的空間,活動筋骨。就是每天下班后,就做些新鮮而輕鬆的活動,讓自己鬆弛下來,可以感覺活潑。
Two ways to go home without working pressure
After working all day, you will struggle to not bring work pressure home. We often bring work pressure to friends and family. Please consider the following two ways to keep working trouble in the office.
  1. Develop habits that end work. Consciousness should end up working home time and let yourself feel anxious fly to home. It is time to work, turn their attention, don't go to work, they should begin to pay attention to relax. You can choose the path view home, listen to music in the on the bus. With a pleasant face into the house.
  2. Stay someplace for a while before go home. We are always easy between home and office work, commuting back and forth fixed. So every day, you can be boring. It is better after work, first choose a place to stay for a while before directly go home. For example, go to the cafe and go through books in a bookstore go to the convenience store, pick a few pieces of their family or favorite dessert, or go to the gym or forest space exercise. Is every day after work, just do something fresh and relaxed, let yourself relax, can feel lively.

