2016年4月23日 星期六


  1. 如老闆一般的思考。問一些能夠讓大老闆們精神抖擻或是殫精竭慮的問題。將你的心力投入在這些日常的關鍵工作與決策上。
  2. 專注在最高優先項目上。和你的主管合作,確認兩、三件最能夠提高你公司收入與利潤的項目。確保你的大部分精力是投入在這些優先項目上。
  3. 專注、集中力量。如果你的主管要求你做這些優先項目以外的工作,設法推回去。當然,如果這些工作與預備進行的優先項目有關,就可以安排到你的工作計劃中。
Be a more valuable employee
To run faster than others in the workplace is not to ask you to bootlick to your boss, but to show your value.
The following actions will help you to have a better chance of success in the company:
  1. To think as a boss. Asking some problems which will let bosses exciting or or feel in troublesome. Put your heart on your daily key work and critical decision.
  2.  Focus on top priorities. Work with your supervisor to identify two or three projects that best improve your company's revenues and profits. Make sure most of your energy is invested in these priorities.
  3. Focus and concentrate on. If your supervisor asks you to do projects outside of work, trying to push back. Of course, if these projects are on your priority, you can arrange your work plan.

