2016年4月20日 星期三


  1. 坦誠開放。貼心的說出你自己也在面臨如何安排工作與家庭生活、個人生活的挑戰。讓員工感受到你不是一名只會關注工作的領導者,你也有人性上的需求。
  2. 認知別人也有生活需求。尊重每個人除了工作,也必須安排家庭生活與個人生活。鼓勵員工說出他們在工作之外的日常活動。
  3. 支持員工發展工作與生活平衡。請員工說出你如何可以協助他們改善他們的工作與生活之間達到平衡。當員工可以實現出他們想要的行為活動模式,他們會更願意在工作上努力付出。
Balance employees' work and life

Everyone wants to balance their work and life. As a leader, how do you deal with this challenging problem for your employees? They look at you in their eyes, at your own patterns of behavior, so that they know how to organize their work and life.
You can do this:
  1. Open and honest. Intimate, you are also facing the challenges of how to arrange work and family life and personal life. Let employees feel that you are not a leader who cares only about work, but you also have human needs.
  2. Knowing others also needs life. Respecting everyone, apart from work, family life and personal life must also be arranged. Encourage employees to tell them about their daily activities outside work.
  3. Support staff development and work life balance. Ask employees to tell you how you can help them improve their work and life balance. Employees are more willing to work hard when they can achieve the behavior patterns they want.

