- 繼續工作,但是不要超時。現在的許多工作都要求你能夠做多層次、交叉性的思考,要能夠解決問題,並且要與人多互動交往,這些都能夠讓你的頭腦維持良好運作。但是,你要注意不要做到疲勞而傷害了你的腦細胞。
- 尋找好創意與有豐富思想的人。不要老是讓自己待在舒服的區域,出去發現哪裡有好的創意,去認識那些能夠對你提出挑戰的人,會要求你改變思考模式的人。
- 要休息、要運動。頭腦和心臟一樣,都需要靠著氧氣與血流來運作。現代腦科學研究得到結論,要你的頭腦維持良好運作的最好方法,是去運動。所以,每天留一些時間給自己走出門外,到外面去散散步,呼吸新鮮空氣。散散步也能夠讓你的頭腦清靜下來,在和緩的呼吸下,思索長遠的人生,或是關鍵的問題。
Keep your mind in good shape
long hours can really hurt your brain cells. You have to keep your brain in
good shape.
do you do it?
- Continue to work, but don't timeout. Now many jobs require you to do more thinking level, cross, to be able to solve the problem, and to many people and interact with each other. These can let your mind maintain good operation. However, you have to be careful not to do the fatigue and hurt your brain cells.
- Looking for good ideas and rich thoughts. Don't let yourself to stay in the comfort zone, found out where there are good ideas, to know who can challenge you, will change the mode of thinking for your people.
- To rest, to exercise. Your head and heart have to rely on oxygen and blood flow to operate. The best way to keep your mind functioning is to exercise. Take some time every day to go outside for a walk, breathe fresh air. Walk also can let your mind quiet down, and in the next breath, thinking long-term life, or the key problem.