2016年4月21日 星期四


  1. 檢視你的過去記錄。你會很容易懷疑自己以及自己的能力。但是,如果你檢視一下你過去的記錄,你會發現你的成功還是超越了你的失敗。而且,更有價值的是,你在錯誤中還是生存下來了,而且你獲得了寶貴的教訓。
  2. 關注在你的強處。大多數的人都會擁有部分的核心能力,而在大部分的領域只是表現平庸,而在少部分領域比較弱。你應該充分運用你最強的實力,然後管理好你的平庸與弱點,使它們不至於降低了你的有效表現
Strengthen your self-confidence
Confidence is a dynamic emotional state, just like the muscles on the body, which must be exercised in order to be strong.
There are two ways to boost your self-confidence:
  1. Review your past records. It's easy to doubt yourself and your abilities. But if you look at your past records, you will find that your success is beyond your failure. What's more, you survived your mistakes, and you learned valuable lessons.
  2. Focus on your strengths. Most people have some core competencies, but in most areas they are mediocre, while in a few areas they are weak. You should make full use of your strongest strength and then manage your mediocrity and weaknesses so that they do not reduce your effective performance.

