2016年4月18日 星期一


  1. 打個電話給客戶或是你的工作夥伴。如果你正好還沒有回復他一封電子郵件,打個電話給他;或是走到你的工作夥伴的桌邊,和他說幾句話。這樣做,他們肯定會很感激你這樣的體貼。
  2. 整理桌面。在平日裡,你很難找到一個片段時間來整理你堆積了一堆檔與雜物的桌面,何不暫時不理你的FacebookLINE、郵件系統,將桌面整理乾淨?
  3. 專注在一項艱難的專案項目上。平時你很難有多餘的時間,這個時候,何不集中你的精力來關注一個專案項目,將資訊與你的思路都整理清楚!

Put aside your Facebook, LINE, e-mail, to do more creative work!
Many people are inseparable from Facebook, LINE, and e-mail all day long, and occasionally when these communications tools crash, they are panicked about how to schedule their time.
Try it. When your Facebook, LINE, email system is on the machine, or even if it's not on the machine, you put off these communications tools and do something else, for example:
  1. Call the client or your partner. If you haven't answered an email yet, call him or walk up to your partner's desk and have a word with him. In doing so, they will be very grateful for your thoughtfulness.
  2. Tidy the desktop. On weekdays, it's hard to find a piece of time to sort out a pile of files and junk tabletop. Why don't you ignore your Facebook, LINE, mail system and clean up your desktop?
  3. Focus on a difficult project. It's hard for you to have extra time. Why don't you concentrate on a project and sort out the information and your thoughts?
If you don't have Facebook, LINE, e-mail system, your productivity will be higher.

