2016年6月11日 星期六


  1. 做誠懇,面對面的溝通。你可以舉出實例,說他曾經答應要一起通宵共同完成項目,你曾經如何參與工作,解決了來完成。很多時候,只要舉出實際的行為,就可以阻止對方再冒犯。
  2. 去找你的老闆。如果上述的作法無法解決和你同事之間的糾葛,去找你的老闆。向你的老闆提出你曾經考慮過的其他解決方案,請你的老闆給予意見。這個時候,你的老闆會明白真相。
  3. 避免再次發生。下一次,當你要和某人共事完成一個項目,在事前就清楚界定角色與責任。雙方同意將分享成果。
Don't let your colleagues steal your merits
After you have spent a long time participating in the completion of a project, you want to be appropriately recognized. However, it would be very frustrating to find a colleague who works with you claiming that he has accomplished it personally and stolen it from you.
Later, when someone steals your stage, please refer to the following ways to save it:
  1. Make sincere and face-to-face communication. You can give an example of how he promised to work together all night to complete the project, how you participated in the work and solved it. In many cases, just mentioning the actual behavior can prevent the other party from offending again.
  2. Find your boss. If that doesn't solve the problem with your colleagues, go to your boss. Ask your boss for advice on other solutions you have considered. At this point, your boss will understand the truth.
  3. Avoid recurrence. Next time you work with someone to complete a project, clearly define roles and responsibilities beforehand. The two sides agreed to share the results.

