- 決定你是要一名只是逗你快樂的人或是一名真正的教練。許多教練知道他可以像一名少棒隊的教練,只要不斷的喊:“打的好、好球!”就可以讓小朋友很快樂。但是,如此的讚美很少是有用的。一名負責的教練不會這樣用鼓掌來滿足他的客戶的虛榮心。所以,當你想要聘僱導師教練時,想清楚你自己要他如何滿足你的需要。
- 注意批評指導不是人身攻擊。當老師提出評判指導意見時,你很容易有挫折感。但是沒有老師會刻意的貶損你。接受你的老師的所有意見,即使不是最有智慧的,也是為了你好。
Are you ready to accept the tutor's coach?
you make up your mind to make radical changes, no mentor coach can help you.
When you are ready to invest in your beliefs, efforts, and time (or maybe a
bundle of fees or consultancy fees), make sure you are prepared for yourself.
- Decide that you want a person who is just making you happy or a real coach. Many coaches know that he can be a coach of a few baseball teams, as long as he keeps shouting, "good play and good ball!" You can make your children happy. However, such a compliment is rarely useful. A responsible coach would not applaud his customers' vanity with such applause. So when you want to hire a mentor coach, be clear about how you want him to meet your needs.
- Note that critical guidance is not a personal attack. When a teacher makes a judgement, you are prone to frustration. But no teacher will disparage you deliberately. Accept all your teachers' opinions, even if they are not the most intelligent ones.