Be careful of your generosity
In the office, it's great to be able to behave better than others and thus have the ability to help others. Whether you help your colleagues prepare an important briefing and work overtime, or you can help others complete an important project, you can't help but expect others to acknowledge your generous contribution and appreciate it, can't you?
But next time you have similar selflessness, think about it carefully. Is it necessary to do so? Many experiences tell us that selfless people are often viewed negatively. People can't help guessing the motivation behind your generous dedication. They may wonder: What benefits can she get from doing so? Or, they may question whether you have broken the underlying rules of the office: do you make others look incompetent and embarrassing?
That doesn't mean you shouldn't be so generous in the future, but you'd better make it clear what you want in doing so, even if it's just that you feel good about helping others.
Your actions and clarifications will set a good example for others.