2016年6月5日 星期日


  1. 將你的情緒先擱一邊。你可能會當下感覺受到傷害,並因而憤怒。先感受一下自己為什麼會感覺不愉快,其真實原因是什麼,然後將這些負面情緒先擱一邊,不使它影響了你的理智判斷與反應行動。
  2. 要想想你回應後將會產生的後果。處理負面批評不是容易的,沒有多少人是真正嫺熟的。然而,不要因為你回應不好而忽略了它·,你還是要謹慎思考你對負面批評的響應,將會產生什麼樣的後果。
  3. 以事實理性回應。你不需要在聽到負面批評時立即回應。你得考慮如果你以憤怒的情緒立即回應時,會造成什麼樣的情境。給自己保留一些緩衝的時間與空間,收集事實資訊,再理性地回應,看看彼此是否有轉圜的空間,有哪些彼此都得做出改變。
How to deal with negative reviews and controversies?
Everyone in the company has its own personality, some weak and some tough.
How do you respond when you receive negative comments in the company or when someone disputes your idea?
Dealing with comments or controversies may be more important than their content.
The following is my personal experience:
  1. First think, then answer. It's too easy to take immediate defense when you hear negative comments from others. But are you responding to face or to the inside? Before you respond, think about the results you want. Are others' comments real? Is it reasonable with what you know in the past?
  2. What is the decision to change? You don't need to hear anything. Finding a relatively easy way to initiate changes is much better than dealing with many things at the same time. As a leader, you should decide which is the most important part of the comments you receive.
Request support. Once you commit to accepting comments, make changes and ask your boss, colleagues or subordinates to give you support and advice. Ask them to remind you when you are habitually falling into the old ways.

