2016年6月5日 星期日


  1. 暫時離開辦公室。禮貌的離開辦公室,走到洗手間、咖啡廳或是室外,呼吸些新鮮空氣,或是打個電話給好友,讓自己就痛哭一場吧,宣洩出你的情緒。
  2. 重新面對狀況、重新出發。當你可以冷靜下來時,讓自己以另外一種觀點來評估自己所面對的狀況。如果你確實認為被錯誤認知了,和你的上司或是同事私下見面,解釋清楚。控制好你的情緒,並且商量好下次如何才能做得更好。
What should I do when I want to cry when my work is frustrated? 
Most people will occasionally encounter setbacks at work, such as a friendly colleague fired, your plan severely criticized, or the boss think your work performance is not satisfactory, and so on, will make you want to cry. 
No one can get rid of such negative work moods. The next time you're about to burst into tears, try this: 
  1. Get out of the office for a while. Leave the office politely, go to the bathroom, coffee shop, or outside, take a breath of fresh air, or call a friend, and let yourself cry and let out your emotions. 
  2. Face a new situation, start afresh. When you can calm down, give yourself another perspective to assess the situation you are facing. If you truly believe that you have been wrongly perceived, meet privately with your boss or co-worker to explain. Keep your emotions under control and decide how to do better next time.

