2016年2月16日 星期二


能夠清理掉待辦事項清單(To-Do List)中的一些項目, 確實會令人愉悅。然而,你需要有更大的動力來處理更多你厭惡的工作項目。
  1. 先苦後甘。你的待辦工作項目清單中,總是會有一些你比較喜歡的項目,也有一些。你不喜歡的。不要總是先挑你喜歡的項目。你應該先解決一些你不喜歡的項目,再保留剩餘時間來做讓你會愉快的項目。
  2. 獎賞自己、給自己充電。在你完成一些艱難工作后,獎賞自己,例如可以休息一下,吃些點心,甚至休假,去郊外走走,讓自己的身體與頭腦得到休息與可以再補充能量的機會。
Give yourself some rewards after you finish a job you hate
It's really pleasant to be able to clean up some of the items on the To-Do List. However, you need more motivation to deal with more work items that you hate.
Here's how to motivate yourself to deal with difficult jobs you hate:
  1. Bitter before sweet. Your to-do list will always have some items you like better, as well as some. You don't like it. Don't always pick your favorite projects first. You should solve some projects that you don't like first, and then save the rest of your time for projects that will make you happy.
  2. Reward yourself and recharge yourself. After you finish some hard work, reward yourself, such as taking a rest, eating snacks, even taking a vacation, walking in the countryside, giving your body and mind a chance to rest and recharge energy.

