- 儘管提出請求。不需要自己貶低自己。
- 坦率些。不用拐彎抹角。人們通常對於直接提出的請求會有比較正面的回應。
- 不要猶豫再次提出請求。不要假設人們之前拒絕后,你就不應該再次找他請求幫助。 人們通常在說過“No.”之後,多少會有愧疚感,因而再你回頭再次請他幫助時,他口氣會比較和緩,給你正面的回應,或是至少可以給你一些務實的建議。
Don't underestimate your influence
usually underestimate our influence. We often for fearing
of being rejected and afraid to provide advice to boss,
or to ask colleagues to help us.
We also lose a lot of good opportunities because we worry that we don't have
enough persuasion. However, in fact, our boss or colleague may respect us
because we ask for it.
don't realize that for most people, saying "No." is much more
difficult than saying "Yes.". So, as long as you make a request, you
have more convincing than you think.
- Just raise your request. You don't have to belittle yourself.
- Be frank. Don't beat around the bush. People usually respond positively to requests made directly.
- Don't hesitate to ask again. Don't assume that you shouldn't ask him for help again after you have rejected it. People usually say "No.", there will be a sense of guilt, and then you back once again asked him for help, he will give you a more conciliatory tone, positive response, or at least can give you some practical advice.