如果你能夠不斷的將To-Do List上的項目完成而劃掉,那麼這份工作計劃表就發生作用了。如果有項目在你的這份清單上停留了超過三天而沒有動靜,那麼你就必須採取行動了。
- 立即行動。解決處理所需要的時間,也許會低於你的想象。
- 安排時間行動。在你的工作日程表中,找到時間去解決待辦事項。如果它是夠重要的,你就必須承諾在既定時間內去處理它。
- 拿掉它。如果有哪一個工作項目是你不願意立即去做的,或是想要延期到晚一些時間才處理的,多半你就不會去處理了。承認這不是你的優先次序項目,把它從你的To-Do List中刪除掉。
Maintain Your To-Do List by the Three-Day Rule
If you can keep crossing out projects on To-Do List, the work schedule will work. If a project stays on your list for more than three days without moving, then you have to take action.
- Take immediate action. It may take less time to solve the problem than you think.
- Schedule time for action. Find time to work on your to-do list. If it's important enough, you have to commit to dealing with it within a given time.
- Take it off. If there's a project you don't want to do immediately, or if you want to defer it until later, you probably won't do it. Recognize that this is not your priority item and delete it from your To-Do List.