如果能夠有效運用,To-Do List可以讓你節省許多時間,提升工作生產力,也增進你的生活品質。然而,許多時候,它不過是記錄了許多事情的一張紙條而已。
- 做好分類。將所有待辦專案依照對你有意義的方式做好分類。可以用任務別或是困難度差異來分類,例如簡單類,就是一些只要你動手做,就可以立即處理掉的。給每一個分類一個你容易辨認的名稱。
- 選擇正確的記錄工具。這個記錄工具應該是你很喜愛的,例如一個可愛的小記事本,或是有看來舒服的電子記事本。它應該隨時在你身邊,也方便打開。
- 謄寫更新項目。每隔幾天,你就應該謄寫更新一次,將尚未完成的工作謄寫到新的清單上。這樣可以協助你記憶,也用新的優先次序管理好。
If used effectively, To-Do List can save you a lot of time, improve productivity and improve your quality of life. However, in many cases, it is just a note recording many things.
The following can make you use it better:
- Classify well. Classify all pending projects according to the way they are meaningful to you. It can be categorized by task or difficulty differences, such as simple classes, which can be dealt with immediately as long as you do it. Give each category a name that you can easily identify.
- Choose the right recording tool. This recording tool should be something you like very much, such as a cute little notebook or a comfortable electronic notebook. It should always be at your side and easy to open.
- Write updates. Every few days, you should transcribe and update the unfinished work to a new list. This will help you remember and manage with new priorities.