- 確保你的線上與線下言行是一致的。如果你的熱情與專業在環境工程,你的線上身份介紹應該如實反映,而非你只是喜歡食物與小狗。
- 策劃你的搜索結果。招聘公司會在網上搜索你的資料。你應該在Facebook、Linkedin、Twitter或是博客與其他社交媒體上,用你的實名,而非匿名或是lovely666之類的賬號名稱。在華人社會,盡量使用中文姓名。
- 建立起你的名聲。在參與網絡論壇或社群時,多專注在你的專長知識。你不需要是最積極的份子,但是你和他人的互動會產生積極的結果,讓你建立起意見領袖的形象。
Take the initiative to maintain your online reputation
you are looking for a job or not, who knows which day you will be seen by a
company or a friend to recommend to you a new job or a business opportunity to
introduce you. In today's Internet world, you are exposed to the human market
at any time. You must pay much attention to your online reputation.
following points can help you control how to let others see you online.
- Ensure that your online and offline actions are consistent. If you are passionate and professional in environmental engineering, your online identity presentation should be truly reflected, rather than just you like food and puppies.
- Plan your search results. The recruitment company will search for your information on the Internet. You should use your real name in Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or blogs and other social media, rather than anonymous or lovely666 account names. In Chinese society, Chinese names are used as much as possible.
- Build your reputation. When participating in online forums or communities, concentrate on your expertise. You don't need to be the most active person, but your interaction with others will produce positive results, so that you can establish the image of opinion leaders.