2016年6月23日 星期四


  1. 幫錯忙。有的時候,你認知的幫助,卻不是別人所需要的。例如,你去幫忙管理,但是人家所需要的是你只是給予領導意見,而不是要你插手。
  2. 在不對的時間幫忙。要讓你的幫助發揮作用,必須是接受幫助者準備好了。有的時候,人家的開放態度會被你錯誤解讀為邀請你介入。有的時候,人家只是提出請教意見,你就開始採取行動,造成了人家的困擾。
  3. 過度幫忙。如果你的幫助,讓人家對你心存感激,你可能因此而不知道節制。你應該等待受幫助者能夠充分消化了你的服務,并再度提出下一步的請求。 或是,如果你的幫助不再有作用,就應該停下來了。
How much do you really help?
In our lives, we are almost at every level, including as leaders, colleagues, friends, and family members, which are asked to provide help (HELP). But do you offer help or interfere with others? Even if you have good intentions, sometimes you will be embarrassed and embarrassed.
The following three help, the best to avoid:
  1. Groups are wrong. Sometimes, the help you know is not what others need. For example, you help manage, but what people need is that you are giving leadership advice instead of asking you to intervene.
  2. At the wrong time to help. If you want your help to work, you must accept the helper. Sometimes, people's open attitude will be mistaken for you to invite you to intervene. Sometimes, when people ask for advice, you begin to take action and cause problems.
  3. Over help. If you help people to be grateful, you may not know how to control. You should wait for the helper to fully digest your service and ask for the next request. Or, if your help is no longer effective, it should stop.

