2016年6月20日 星期一


  1. 關注在相關性,而非最近發生的。你最近的工作經歷不應該成為你先說話的內容。想想你的聽眾是誰,將你相關的技能與經驗融入到他關切的方向上。
  2. 關注在你的技能上。你不需要有行銷的背景才能成為好的行銷人才。你可以說說你的相關技能如何可以適用在所需要的議題上。
  3. 連結你的故事。你不需要像寫履歷表一般介紹自己,但是要將相關有力的內容連結成一個有凝聚力的故事,並說明它如何效用。
How do you introduce yourself perfectly?
Being able to introduce yourself skillfully in 30 seconds is not only suitable for job interviews, but also plays a grand role when you are ready to establish new connections. Here are three tips to help you introduce yourself perfectly.
  1. Focus on relevance, not recent. Your recent work experience should not be the first thing to talk about. Think about who your audience is and integrate your skills and experience into the direction of his concern.
  2. Focus on your skills. You don't need to have a marketing background to become a good marketing person. You can talk about how your skills can be applied to the issues you need.
  3. Connect your story. You don't need to introduce yourself as a resume, but connect the relevant content into a cohesive story and explain how it works.

