2016年11月30日 星期三


  1. 管理好自己的能量。睡眠、運動、營養均衡,以及壓力管理可以幫助你降低不受老闆尊重而產生的負面情緒。
  2. 尋找正面關係。負面情緒相對於正面情緒對工作的衝擊大上好幾倍。與其受到會讓你有負面情緒的人影響,不如自己去接近能夠讓你有正面心情的人,去接近能夠引發你歡樂,提振你心情的朋友。
  3. 多做工作以外的活動。如果你的工作外的活動可以讓你快樂,你就會有比較好的能力應付辦公室發生的事情。另外,多學習,讓自己成長,也可以提高你應付老闆的能力。
Overcoming negative relationships with your boss bring you a bad mood
Everyone wants to be respected by his boss, but more than half feel that their boss doesn't respect him. If you are one of those unhappy people, how do you overcome your bad mood?
Try the following:
  1. Manage your energy. Sleep, exercise, balance of nutrition, and stress management can help you reduce negative emotions that are unrespected by your boss.
  2. Looking for a positive relationship. Negative emotions have several times as much impact on works as positive ones. Instead of being influenced by people who make you feel negative, approach someone who makes you feel positive, close to a friend who can make you happy and boost your mood.
  3. Do more activities outside the work. If your activities outside the workplace can make you happy, you will have better abilities to cope with what happens in the office. In addition, learning more and growing yourself can also improve your ability to deal with the boss.

