- 和老闆的老闆只發展個人關係。挖掘出彼此共同的興趣,而非工作上的關係,是值得的。
- 為你的老闆做出貢獻。你的老闆很可能將對你的肯定與感謝傳遞給他的老闆,因為你的成就也對他能夠產生正面的價值。
- 自願參與跨部門會議。這樣可以幫助你的老闆做好工作上的協作,也增加了你自己在公司中的曝光機會。
- 記住誰才是老大。不要讓人感覺你要撇開你的老闆,更不應該讓人覺得你有越級報告的企圖。將你和他的老闆之間的對話,都要抄送給你的老闆。
How do you develop the relationship with the boss's boss?
relationship with your boss will affect your career development. But your
boss's boss will also have an important
impact. How do you develop a relationship with your boss's boss without impact your relationship with
your direct boss?
- Develop only personal relationships with the boss's boss. It is worthwhile to dig out the common interests of each other, not the relationship on the work.
- Make a contribution to your boss. Your boss is likely to pass on your affirmation and gratitude to his boss, because your achievements can also give him a positive value.
- Voluntary participation in interdepartmental meetings. This can help your boss do a good job of work, and increase your own exposure opportunities in the company.
- Remember who is the boss. Don't make people feel like you want to leave your boss, and you should not feel that you have an attempt to have a higher level report. The conversation between you and his boss will be copied to your boss.