2016年11月28日 星期一



Avoid quarrelling with your spouse as soon as you get home
The hardest thing about every day is when you step into your house and start arguing with your spouse. It's mostly because when we go home, we forget the interpersonal relationship skills. The reason we do this is to think that we can do it completely and ignore the impact on our spouses.
But interpersonal skills are equally important in the family and in the workplace. If you think couples can synchronize their expectations of each other automatically, it's unrealistic. There are different needs, different cycles of recovery, and one day, you will encounter a variety of things that are difficult to synchronize with each other.
This is why they should communicate with each other like a husband and wife. But don't do it as soon as you step into the house. You should arrange that when you are all relaxed, do one another and give comfort to each other.

