- 你太優秀了嗎?善用你的優勢。有些經驗豐富的資深專家或部門主管,會很了解企業老闆們所面臨的壓力與挫折。所以,你將會是更優秀的員工。
- 運用社交媒體來增加你的曝光度。當今的社會,企業求才大量的在使用Linkedln或Facebook等社交媒體工具。你如果能夠豐富你的社交媒體的個人頁面,可以大幅提高你被發現為人才的機會。
- 把握你的過去積累。有些最有價值的機會來自于你過去的同事或朋友。他們的職業發展歷程,會遇到新的機會,建立新的知識,也有新的人脈。你自己累積的經歷,對於重新連接老同事、老朋友,對於彼此都能夠有新的起步的好基礎。
It's never too late to rebuild yourself
It is the will of many people in the workplace to rebuild themselves. If you are over 35 years old and want to give yourself new opportunities, please consider the following:
- Are you too good? Use your strengths. Some experienced senior experts or department managers will be familiar with the pressures and setbacks faced by business owners. So you will be a better employee.
- Use social media to increase your exposure. In today's society, companies are using social media tools such as Linkedln or Facebook in large numbers. If you can enrich your social media personal pages, you can greatly improve your chances of being discovered as a talented person.
- Grasp your past accumulation. Some of the most valuable opportunities come from your past colleagues or friends. Their career development will encounter new opportunities, build new knowledge and new contacts. Your own accumulated experience is a good foundation for reconnecting old colleagues and old friends and for starting a new beginning for each other.