- 暫時關掉手機。坦白說,現在人的手機比你桌上的電話機還要讓你緊繃神經。 手機已經不光是用作為公務或是私人電話,還有用來以Facebook、LINE或微信來保持接收各種資訊的工具。這會讓你上癮,更使你分心,也讓你肌肉鬆弛不下來。所以,你一定要強迫自己,每天上下午,至少各關機30分鐘,讓你離開沒有手機的狀態,讓腦神經與肌肉都鬆弛下來。
- 利用午休時間,進行閱讀或散步。午休時間到,除了用餐外,趕緊離開辦公室,找個咖啡座喝咖啡,並且閱讀口袋書籍,或是,去散散步,shopping,就是不要去想工作上的事情。
- 飽餐一頓,獎勵自己。每週都要安排一個獎勵自己的時間,可以去飽餐一頓,告訴自己這一周過得多棒,完成了哪些工作,值得獎勵。
Even working people have to have a break time
the student era, each class is about 50 minutes, the longest is about 80 or 90
minutes, and then there will be 10 or 20 minutes of rest time in each class. In
high school and college, it is more fun and must move to change the classroom.
This makes the students get excited. They can walk around the campus and look
at the green trees and grass. Of course, there are beautiful girls. It makes
the next time a time to move and relax.
you grow up and go to work, there is no such a resting world in your office.
Often in the morning to the office to open a computer, in addition to the
physical needs to leave the seat, basically is to get stiff limbs, head drowsy,
but not necessarily consciousness. Extreme unhealthy! In this way, it also has
a lot of harm to the work efficiency.
don't you have a courseware rest time for work? In fact, it can be done, but
you need to manage your time by yourself. Please try the following ways:
- Turn off the phone for the time being. Frankly speaking, people's mobile phones now make you tighten your nerves more than the phone on your desk. Mobile phones are not only used for official or private phone calls, but also for Facebook, LINE or WeChat to maintain various kinds of information. This will make you addicted, distract you and relax your muscles. So, you must force yourself, every afternoon, at least 30 minutes at least, let you leave the state of no cell phone and let the brain and muscles relax.
- Use the lunch break to read or take a walk. At lunch break, get out of the office, get a coffee seat, get a coffee, read a pocket book, or go for a walk. Shopping, just don't think about the job.
- Eat a meal, reward yourself. Every week, you should arrange a reward for your time, you can go to a big meal, tell yourself how wonderful this week is and what you have done, which is worth rewarding.