2016年5月18日 星期三


  1. 感受強烈。這種經驗會觸發強烈的感覺。它出現的形式不一定會很戲劇性,但是對你的感受則非同一般。
  2. 很個人化。這種使命感通常與你的個人經驗有關,或是與你所關切的人有關。
  3. 願意堅持住。這種心理會驅使你不斷去關注,讓你坐在沙發上、或是在看電視時,或是正準備睡覺時,還是不斷盤踞在你的心裡。
Recognize your sense of mission
People usually deal with big problems successfully, usually in a particular event or time point where he feels he has to take action. These "mission" can drive you start to solve the problem, or you are likely to give up, help you hold on. Such a state of mind can shape your meaningful career and life.
Here are the symptoms of this sense of mission:
  1. Feel strong. This experience triggers a strong sensation. The way it appears is not necessarily dramatic, but it doesn't feel the same about you.
  2. Very personal. This sense of mission is usually associated with your personal experience, or with someone you care about.
  3. Willing to stick to it. It drives you to focus on sitting on the couch, watching TV, or getting ready to sleep, or getting stuck in your heart.

