2016年5月15日 星期日


  1. 我是否坐立不安?如果你安靜的坐著而且認真的在聆聽,那就很好。但是,如果你不斷的晃動椅子,手指在桌上敲擊著,或是更糟的,你不斷的在看著你的手機,你的交談對象一定會感到你對他在說什麼一點兒也沒有興趣。
  2. 我是否老是打斷別人說話?在任何健康的爭論中,不免會發生中斷別人說話的狀況。但是,如果你老是去中斷別人的發言,或是你不斷的要強調你自己的主張,那麼人們會覺得你的談話不夠開放。
Know the impression your body language gives
Gestures and facial expressions leave strong signals to the person you're talking to. However, many people ignore the implications of his body language.
Later, when you're going to talk to people, ask yourself two questions:
  1. Am I on pins and needles? If you sit quietly and listen carefully, that's good. However, if you keep shaking fingers on the desk chair, beating, or worse, you are constantly watching your mobile phone, you will feel you talking to him in what little interest.
  2. Do I always interrupt people? In any health debate, interruptions may occur. But if you always interrupt someone else's speech, or you constantly emphasize your own opinion, then people will feel that your conversation is not open enough.

