2016年5月16日 星期一


  1. 掌握要改變的主動權。不要等待別人來告訴你應該開始改變你自己,更不能對自己說我沒有能力改變自己。你必須告訴自己你願意改變,也能夠改變。
  2. 要有耐心。改變需要時間。但是,你必須抱持正面積極的態度,耐心等待改變的美好果實。然而,要知道你的期待不一定會以你原來的想象的形式出現,過程與條件會調整最後的成果形式。即使如此,你也要抱著感恩的態度來接受。這樣,你會更有動力去迎接下一個挑戰,并享受更多的美好。
  3. 接受改變過程中的困難。真正的改鬢,必須要你做出真正的努力。一旦決定要有改變,開始採取行動,就準備好你會遇到你無法意料到的意外狀況。
  4. 避免其他誘惑。許多時候,在你改變與發展的過程中,總會出現其他的誘惑,引導你去分心。你有必要弄清楚自己要達成的目標是什麼,優先次序是什麼,更重要的,是很實際的評估自己究竟有多少能量來承擔多樣的項目。
  5. 不要貪心,謹慎維護。一旦你開始看到了初期的成果,不要因此而輕易提高你急切的心理。要知道,後續可能會有各種狀況,會讓你承受不住高限的承擔能力。你只要享受得到小成果、階段的進步,勻稱的繼續做下去,這樣讓你可以改變的行動成為你可以掌握的模式。
Begin to change your behavior
To be a leader, whether you're a leader in an organization, an influential person in your circle of friends, or even a parent in your family, you have to start changing your behavior.
If don't change yourself, the worst phenomenon is that people don't think you want to accept them, and willing to lead and serve them. Well, why do they accept your leadership and respect your status?
From now on, start building your new behavior patterns:
  1. Master the initiative to change. Don't wait for others to tell you that you should start to change yourself, not to say to yourself that I have no ability to change myself. You have to tell yourself that you want to change, and you can change.
  2. Be patient. It takes time to change. But you must have a positive attitude and be patient to wait for the good fruit of change. However, know that your expectations will not necessarily appear in the form of your original imagination. The process and conditions will adjust the final form of results. Even so, you should also accept it with gratitude. In this way, you will be more motivated to meet the next challenge and enjoy more beautiful things.
  3. Accept difficulties in changes. Have a real change, you must make a real effort. Once you decide to change, start taking action, get ready, and you'll meet unexpected situations that you can't expect.
  4. Avoid other temptations. Many times, in the process of change and development, there will always be other temptations to guide you to distraction. You need to figure out what your goals are, what priorities are, and more importantly, actually assess how much energy you have in order to undertake multiple projects.
  5. Don't greedy, be cautious. Once you begin to see the initial results, do not easily increase your eagerness. You know, there may be a variety of situations, which will make you unable to bear the high limit with your ability. You just have to enjoy the little gains, the stages of progress, the symmetry to continue to do, so that you can grasp the patter of change.

