2016年5月16日 星期一


  1. 我的缺點是什麼?同儕競爭通常是源自于嫉妒:你的對手有某些你欠缺,但是由很不情願的羨慕中的記錄或是技能。如果你發現自己非常在乎你的對手有這樣令你羞怒的狀態,你應該檢討如何強化自己的核心競爭力。
  2. 我的格局是否夠遠大?整天盯梢著對手可能會妨礙自己成長的可能性。如果他在發佈一項新產品,或是在啟動一項創意或活動,你是否也能夠做出有更大衝擊的項目呢?
Learn from your Competitors in the Office
It's boring and wasting time to compete with colleagues in the office. Why do you care so much about what he's doing? Why is he so concerned about what you've accomplished?
But such an office atmosphere can answer two important questions:
  1. What are my weaknesses? Peer competition usually comes from jealousy: your opponent has something you don't have, but you don't want to be jealous of your record or skill. If you find yourself concerned that your opponent has such a state of shame, you should review how to strengthen your core competencies.
  2. Do I ambitious enough? All the competitors may prevent the possibility of stalking their growth. If he's releasing a new product, or starting an idea or activity, are you able to make a bigger impact project?

