- 強調你的成就。不要自大,但是也不要對你的實際成就過於低調。清楚的陳述你對公司所作的貢獻。
- 謹慎的承認錯誤。指出最可能發生問題的領域,並且說明你將如何改正你的錯誤。
- 只關注你自己,不要牽扯他人。你會很有衝動來談到別人,尤其是你的進度受到別人耽誤的情況下。但是,記住這份報告是在做自我評估。不要以批評或是防衛的態度來議論你的同事。
Write your self-assessment report in the right tone
modern enterprise personnel performance evaluation, many require employees to
make a self-assessment report. Few people would love to self-evaluate. It will make people feel embarrassed. You are in difficult to draw the line between
how the overblown and self-suppression modest
grasp just perfect.
that, try to do that when you're asked to make self-assessment:
- Emphasize your accomplishments. Don't be cocky, but don't be too low-key about your actual achievements. Make a clear statement of your contribution to the company.
- Be cautious in admitting mistakes. Point out the areas where the most likely problems occur, and explain how you will correct your mistakes.
- Pay attention to yourself, don't involve others. You will be very impulsive to talk about others, especially when your progress is delayed by others. But remember, this report is doing self-assessment. Don't talk about your colleagues in a critical or defensive way.