2016年4月8日 星期五


  • 整理儀容
  • 攜帶名片
  • 準備一段令人印象深刻的話語
  • 經驗比你多
  • 關係比你好
  • 實力比你強
  • 豐富內涵
  • 質感儀 

Don't neglect appearance, business card and an impressive speech
Everyone joins the business community, and after a period of time on the Internet. listening to their words, watching their actions], it finally arrives at the moment of meeting each other practically.
Originally a friend of virtual space, it should be communicated to the actual ground.
Please do not take the party lightly.
Please be careful not to let others leave a bad impression. Worse still, don't let people ignore your existence!
Please do the following three preparations for meeting:
  • Finishing the appearance
  • Bring business cards
  • Prepare an impressive speech.
Correct understanding:
Coming to a business dating community like the business community, most people want to show themselves and meet three kinds of people.
  • Experience more than you do
  • Relationship is better than you.
  • Their strength is stronger than yours.
This kind of person is better than you. Why do I want to know you? At his height, why do you notice?
Besides, it takes you a lot of valuable time to go to the business community every day. Is it not that you want to build new friends that are valuable to you? How can you take the rare opportunity of meeting lightly and let the other party be dismayed, disappointed or blind?
You should grasp the occasion well, seize the occasion where people gather, rarely a few minutes, or even just a few seconds, to show your self-confidence! uuuuuuuuuu
Confidence comes from:
  • Rich connotation
  • Texture instrument
If you are not ready, I suggest that you do not rush to death, it will make your accumulated assets online activities for many days, suddenly turned into debt!

