- 拒絕參加會議。如果你實在不需要參加這個會議,不要接受會議邀請。你可以說明你的工作負擔,然後說你會樂意事後看會議記錄。
- 刪除電子郵件。只保留一些重要而必須回復的郵件,其餘都刪除掉。
- 降低你必須投入的功夫。如果有些要求實在難以說“No”來拒絕掉,也要認知這樣的工作要求只值得你花可以交出應付得過去的結果的一些功夫,而非要你拼老命去做出最優的結果。你的寶貴時間,應該只保留在你最希望做、能夠做出最佳結果的工作項目上。
Save time by saying "No"
time to work and produce work results. Which is more important to you? Any wise
manager will choose the latter, but many people will waste a lot of time on
unnecessary work.
you're still struggling with how to control your time to improve your
performance, try doing this:
- Refuse to attend a meeting. If you really don't need to attend the meeting, do not accept an invitation to the meeting. You can explain your workload and say you will be happy to see the minutes after the event.
- Delete e-mails. Leave only some important and necessary replies, and delete the rest.
- You must reduce investment efforts. If some requirements are difficult to say "No" to reject, to such work requires only cognitive worth some effort you spend can hand over to cope with past results, rather than to you desperate to make optimal results. Your valuable time, should have only do, can make the best results in you most want to work on the project.